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imperial ambition

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category Historicauthor TianKongZhiChengstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2605655 Wordslatest update 2024-07-10
total hits 14Month hits 0Week hits 0
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imperial ambitionBrief introduction:

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????OUT back in World War II, I was just a paratrooper lieutenant with no background and no backing. Do I have to follow the trend of history and live in Britain, get beaten in Crete, freeze in Russia, and squat in Normandy to be bombed?
No, the ambition is still there today, so why worry about leaving a bad name behind you.
From a military rookie to a war prawn, Logan completed an unimaginable transformation in just a few months.  The Dunkirk incident that shocked the world, the Great War that attracted worldwide attention, and Barbarossa that roared across Soviet Russia. What’s the next target?
Logan said: Britain, the United States and Russia are nothing. I want to use my strong soldiers to build a big empire!

      Keywords:imperial ambition TianKongZhiCheng imperial ambitionRead the full text imperial ambitionTXT download

      imperial ambitionlatest chapter:Leap, a stroke of genius that shakes the world. The Final Chapter of Empire (Big Ending)

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