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Reborn Star Rich

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category Romanceauthor QingYeGuHunstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1330633 Wordslatest update 2024-07-10
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Reborn Star RichBrief introduction:

He is the most exposed rich man and the most popular star.
He is the Emperor of Weibo and the father of WeChat.
He has invested in many TV series with female protagonists, all of which have achieved high ratings, and the movies he has invested in have also created the highest box office record in China.
“When everyone thought he was an all-powerful investor, someone revealed that these were all just a ploy to flatter a young model.
When someone said he was extravagant, he bought the front pages of newspapers to silence everyone.  Then he created a single of Tuhao style, and the horse-riding dance became popular all over the world, attracting countless superstars to imitate, and the luxury goods worth billions of dollars in it also dazzled everyone.
Outside of entertainment, he is the most famous investor, and his every move can affect the economy.
He is also the most philanthropic person and has established countless charitable funds that have benefited people all over the world. He was named the most philanthropic person in the world by Time Magazine.
He is the most controversial tycoon and the media’s favorite star.

      Keywords:Reborn Star Rich QingYeGuHun Reborn Star RichRead the full text Reborn Star RichTXT download

      Reborn Star Richlatest chapter:Text Chapter 281 The heart is stronger than gold

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