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fishing world

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category Comicsauthor SaWaSiTuoBoErstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2962996 Wordslatest update 2024-07-10
total hits 12Month hits 1Week hits 1
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fishing worldBrief introduction:

With a fishing rod, you can fish all over the world; with a piece of sky, you can fish as much as you want;
Some people like to climb mountains, some like to play football, some like to play cards, and we like fishing.
Fishing is not just for fishing, fishing is a kind of practice, an attitude towards life, and a sport of getting close to nature.
By participating in domestic and foreign fishing competitions, you can not only gain prestige and rewards, but you can also meet all kinds of fishing friends and visit the beautiful scenery of various countries. Of course, there are yellow, white, black, brown and beauties of various colors.
Our slogan is, if there are fish, you will fish, if there are no fish, you will catch people!

      Keywords:fishing world SaWaSiTuoBoEr fishing worldRead the full text fishing worldTXT download

      fishing worldlatest chapter:Volume 1: Houhai Fish Boy Chapter 727: Believe in the weather forecast!  (end)

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