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Rebirth to change the world

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category Romanceauthor YongYuanDeDaXiangYustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 11953802 Wordslatest update 2024-07-10
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Rebirth to change the worldBrief introduction:

He is a legend and a genius who has won the Nobel Peace Prize, Grammy Award, Oscar, Olympic champion, British and American Literature Award, and many other awards.  He also built a huge corporate empire and is the richest man in the world.  He is the dream lover of thousands of girls and a superstar who is sought after around the world. He has used wealth, wisdom, love and responsibility to change the face of his hometown and reverse the lives of many people. His power is comparable to that of the President of the United States.  .  .  All of this originated from a car accident in 2011. This car accident sent him, who was originally ordinary, back to 1986 when he was six years old. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for rebirth allowed him to not only retain all his memories completely  , and also developed extraordinary kung fu. He is Chen Kangjie. Because of his rebirth, the world is destined to change.

      Keywords:Rebirth to change the world YongYuanDeDaXiangYu Rebirth to change the worldRead the full text Rebirth to change the worldTXT download

      Rebirth to change the worldlatest chapter:Text Chapter 2586 Economic Interests and Political Interests

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