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Dream of Heaven

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category Historicauthor DaLuoLuostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 6387737 Wordslatest update 2024-07-08
total hits 14Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Dream of HeavenBrief introduction:

During the reign of Emperor Daoguang of the Qing Dynasty, the great powers were looking at the country and the country was opening wide. China encountered changes that had not happened in three thousand years. Is the fate of a hundred years of decline really inevitable?  A returned medical master who only wanted to cure diseases and save people and make money sadly traveled to England under the rule of Queen Victoria before his ambition was fulfilled. However, thousands of miles away, he sounded the clarion call for China's reform and rise, ushering in a new era...
This is a turbulent era, with brutal and fierce modern wars and the European revolution brewing. Great men are leading history, and little people are making history. A magnificent and romantic picture of the 19th century is about to unfold.
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      Keywords:Dream of Heaven DaLuoLuo Dream of HeavenRead the full text Dream of HeavenTXT download

      Dream of Heavenlatest chapter:Part One Chapter 1556 Finale - Yi Ren’s Edge of Crisis

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