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category Wuxiaauthor XiaoJinYustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 10956907 Wordslatest update 2024-07-08
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FuhuangBrief introduction:

The family was destroyed, relatives disappeared, and the engagement contract was torn... This broom star that everyone laughed at in Songyan City was inherited from a cave of gods and demons from the ancient times millions of years ago!  From then on, he made magic talismans, refined his body, cultivated the supreme swordsmanship, and understood the secrets of the law... With his extraordinary courage and unparalleled opportunities, in this big world where gods and demons roamed, and monsters stalked, he finally embarked on the endless road.  Peak, control the world!  ——If you like it, click to save it,…

      Keywords:Fuhuang XiaoJinYu FuhuangRead the full text FuhuangTXT download

      Fuhuanglatest chapter:Songyan Fengyun Extra New Year's Special: Female High School Master and Nerd [End]

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