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Xuanba Jiutian

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category Fantasyauthor YaSheLuostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 6816415 Wordslatest update 2024-07-08
total hits 14Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Xuanba JiutianBrief introduction:

The mysterious jade tower suppresses and kills the strong.
In Wujin Prison, the bones of powerful men are locked up in purple gold chains...
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Through a journey back to the golden age from the age of mystical energy, a little mystic, and obtains the mysterious jade pagoda, his life trajectory is destined to be extraordinary.
Xuan Tu opened up the sea of ??stars, Xuan Shi released his inner Qi, Xuan Master condensed matter and transformed into form, and Xuan Zong developed the general trend;  Evolving universe.
The new book "Eye of Evolution" has been released. Brothers, please collect it~ This must be an interesting story.
Introduction: Go out with a knife, and all your equipment depends on explosives!  ...For more introduction, please go to the new book page~

      Keywords:Xuanba Jiutian YaSheLuo Xuanba JiutianRead the full text Xuanba JiutianTXT download

      Xuanba Jiutianlatest chapter:Volume One: The First Emergence Chapter 1974: Finale, Remaking the World

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