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basketball overlord

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category Comicsauthor PuYanFeiEstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1569513 Wordslatest update 2024-07-08
total hits 12Month hits 1Week hits 1
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basketball overlordBrief introduction:

"Mr. Cannon, how did you achieve the super feat of 18+7+5 in your rookie season?" A reporter asked: "I'm talking about 18 rebounds, 7 blocks and 5 steals."
Wang Dapao dismissed it, "I cheated."
"Mr. Wang Dapao, what's the secret behind your ability to average 15 points, 13 rebounds, 5 assists, 5 blocks and 5 steals per game in the second season of your career?" Another reporter asked unwillingly.
"I'm cheating." Wang Dapao still replied.
"Mr. Wang Dapao, I heard that it was exposed that you had relationships with multiple women in a hotel. What do you think about this?"
Wang Dapao frowned and said with some displeasure: "I'm cheating!"
"Mr. Cannon." There are still reporters who want to speak.
"Okay, no matter what you ask, I'll just say one thing." Wang Dapao said impatiently, "I'm cheating! Do you mind?"

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      basketball overlordlatest chapter:Text Chapter 351: Dead Rookie!

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