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godfather of business war

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category Romanceauthor FeiYistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 4641709 Wordslatest update 2024-07-08
total hits 14Month hits 0Week hits 0
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godfather of business warBrief introduction:

Chen Ming, a standard dandy, comes from a large government office and has a powerful family background.  Such an environment did not give him a sense of superiority, but under the influence of his family, his IQ and martial arts were close to demonic, and he had set an ambitious goal of conquering the entire China since he was a child.  The linen clothes are like snow, and the country is like a painting.  My woman is the best in the world!

      Keywords:godfather of business war FeiYi godfather of business warRead the full text godfather of business warTXT download

      godfather of business warlatest chapter:[Return to the Country Volume] Chapter 1: The island owner Chen Ming returns to the country

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