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Crazy maintenance worker

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category Romanceauthor QuanXinQuanYistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2531465 Wordslatest update 2024-07-08
total hits 11Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Crazy maintenance workerBrief introduction:

The left leg of the car suffers from arthritis, the old elevator suffers from severe depression and wants to commit suicide, the advanced laptop computer suffers from lovesickness, and the sophisticated CT machine turns out to be a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner. These are all difficult and complicated diseases. If the maintenance cost is small,  Master Liu refused to accept the job, because he wanted to add laser guidance to the pistol of the hateful policewoman, which can turn the computer of the beautiful and arrogant white-collar beauty into a global database, and can be used by the hands of the elegant and refined angel in white...

      Keywords:Crazy maintenance worker QuanXinQuanYi Crazy maintenance workerRead the full text Crazy maintenance workerTXT download

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