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great painter

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category Romanceauthor QuanDanstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2667172 Wordslatest update 2024-07-07
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great painterBrief introduction:

Van Gogh: I dream of painting, I paint my dreams.
Fang Yi: I dream of painting, but your experience is too scary.  I don’t paint my dreams, only the moments that stir in my heart.
Matisse: I have already achieved proficiency in my skills, but now when I am studying my own expression methods, it seems that I have just begun to learn.
Fang Yi: I have raised my skills to a level that is difficult for others to achieve. Many times, I can't help but express this skill or even show off it.  As for the means of expression?  For me painting is the means.

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