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Super right hand

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category Romanceauthor DanLaoHustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 7312188 Wordslatest update 2024-07-07
total hits 15Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Super right handBrief introduction:

An accidental electric shock gave bad boy Jiang Hao the power of a super right hand.  If you want to see through a beautiful woman, you can successfully see through the conductor link.  Do you want to identify the treasure? If you touch it with your right hand, you will find real gold and silver. Nothing can escape his discernment.  What makes Jiang Hao Waiwai the most is that the super right hand he obtained unexpectedly is like a prop in the game, which can add new abilities through proficiency.  In order to make her right hand stronger, the beauty...

      Keywords:Super right hand DanLaoHu Super right handRead the full text Super right handTXT download

      Super right handlatest chapter:Text Chapter 1477 Ability inheritance

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