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longyou creek

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category Fantasyauthor ChiMieBuMiestatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 10015251 Wordslatest update 2024-07-07
total hits 14Month hits 1Week hits 0
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longyou creekBrief introduction:

One hundred billion universes constitute an all-universe domain, and four hundred billion all-universe domains finally broke out in the final alliance war. Hundreds of billions of Yudi-level masters entered the cruel alliance battlefield. Long Ge and the others will fight in the alliance battlefield again.  What kind of light does it show?
Level: Yubing, Yujiang, Yushuai, Yuwang, Yuhuang, Yudi
Energy: the power of the universe (metal, wood, water, fire and earth), the power of the universe, the power of black holes
Medicinal Weapons: Weapon Grade, General Grade, Commander Grade, King Grade, Imperial Grade, Emperor Grade
Upgrade method: swallow, create, integrate
Physique: Compatible, compliant, unrelated, inverse
Alliance: Dragon Alliance, Kill Alliance

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      longyou creeklatest chapter:Hell Chapter: Adventures in the Sea of ??Bitterness Chapter 1965: A cloud of masters!

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