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Unparalleled Heavenly Lord

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category Wuxiaauthor GuanQistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2979795 Wordslatest update 2024-07-06
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Unparalleled Heavenly LordBrief introduction:

Hundreds of countries compete for hegemony, competing with heaven and earth for luck.  A hundred schools of thought contend, contending with heaven and earth.  The one who founded the country swept across the eight wastelands and six places, and I am the only one who is the most powerful.  Those who establish a religion, the Three Realms and Six Paths, I am the only one who is supreme.  The common people are like ants, and the sages are like grass and grass. If the teaching is not established, the shooting stars are shining brightly. Those who establish the teaching are on par with the sky!

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