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The Secret Technique of Fengyue

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category Romanceauthor LuoXiaostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 235513 Wordslatest update 2024-07-06
total hits 13Month hits 0Week hits 0
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The Secret Technique of FengyueBrief introduction:

After waking up from the dream, Yan Xiaoqing, lying in a cold cell, found that she had become another person!
??The black eats the black, the cage is within the cage, the iron tree blossoms, the horse grows horns, the big-mouthed toad wants to swallow the sky, the beauty's face changes!
Everything has changed. Those who are weak and backward will be beaten. If they want not to be beaten, if they want to live well, if they want to have girls, Yan Xiaoqing only has the "Secret Technique of Fengyue" that she still remembers in her mind...

      Keywords:The Secret Technique of Fengyue LuoXiao The Secret Technique of FengyueRead the full text The Secret Technique of FengyueTXT download

      The Secret Technique of Fengyuelatest chapter:Volume 1: Lots of Murderous Intentions Chapter 59: Xiaocao

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