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Ordinary bright days

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category Historicauthor NingXiaoChaistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 7258185 Wordslatest update 2024-07-06
total hits 14Month hits 1Week hits 1
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Ordinary bright daysBrief introduction:

Xu Hao lived in the early days of the Ming Dynasty, an era when corrupt officials suffered terribly and the rich and meritorious were in danger.
There are seniors who have traveled through time and space in every plane and are turning their hands to make clouds and rain, but the ordinary Xu Hao is preparing to live an ordinary life.
Because there is joy and truth in the ordinary.

      Keywords:Ordinary bright days NingXiaoChai Ordinary bright daysRead the full text Ordinary bright daysTXT download

      Ordinary bright dayslatest chapter:Volume 4 Spreading Wings Chapter 1305 The Big Wedding

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