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Otaku Game Life

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category Romanceauthor ZhuDuoDuostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 891816 Wordslatest update 2024-07-06
total hits 16Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Otaku Game LifeBrief introduction:

An ordinary boy with a fragile mind underwent a wonderful transformation after accidentally getting a game CD. He was no longer the weakling who allowed others to bully him, he was no longer the unknown student, he gained extraordinary strength.  He has strong weapons, but this is not the key to his success. The key is that he has a fearless heart!

      Keywords:Otaku Game Life ZhuDuoDuo Otaku Game LifeRead the full text Otaku Game LifeTXT download

      Otaku Game Lifelatest chapter:Text Chapter 196 Finale (Part 4)

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