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entertainment basketball

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category Comicsauthor ZhaoNieAstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3735043 Wordslatest update 2024-07-05
total hits 11Month hits 0Week hits 0
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entertainment basketballBrief introduction:

There are not only point guards on the basketball court, but also point guards!
If you want to see European and American girl stars, come here!  If you want to watch Girls' Generation, this place will be paradise!
This is the youth growth history of a Chinese-American boy, from elementary school to high school to NCAA, and finally to the NBA!
He has a group of funny friends and many female friends with different personalities. He is the darling of Los Angeles and the most shining Chinese star under the stars!

      Keywords:entertainment basketball ZhaoNieA entertainment basketballRead the full text entertainment basketballTXT download

      entertainment basketballlatest chapter:Volume Three The Glory of Burning War Postscript

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