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category Historicauthor ZhenAiYastatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 716830 Wordslatest update 2024-07-05
total hits 21Month hits 5Week hits 1
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TangdianBrief introduction:

At the end of the Tang Dynasty, the vassal towns were divided and chaos was about to arise.
In the city of Suzhou, a small dilapidated inn quietly changed its owner.
He was originally a young surgeon, but he was furiously killed by a patient. He was so disheartened that he no longer wanted to touch the dusty scalpel.
In this life, I just want to be a happy shopkeeper with no ambitions, facing the sea, with spring flowers blooming...

      Keywords:Tangdian ZhenAiYa TangdianRead the full text TangdianTXT download

      Tangdianlatest chapter:Text Chapter 173 Postscript (Finale)

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