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The realm of reincarnation

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category Romanceauthor YongHengChiTianShistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2206319 Wordslatest update 2024-07-05
total hits 19Month hits 2Week hits 0
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The realm of reincarnationBrief introduction:

Late at night on September 2, an extraterrestrial object visited the earth. Many astronomy enthusiasts in Binhe City used telescopes to capture a fireball streaking across the sky.
On September 4, Su Yuan, a sophomore student at Binhe Institute of Technology, changed from a boy to a girl overnight.
When change suddenly comes, it is the recombination of the new and the old order, collision, entanglement, destruction and rebirth.  The intricate lines converge at one point, crossing the realm of virtuality and reality, end and beginning, for the sake of obsession in the heart.
Eternal Seraph: "It seems a little complicated..."
Su Yuan: "These... are nothing!"

      Keywords:The realm of reincarnation YongHengChiTianShi The realm of reincarnationRead the full text The realm of reincarnationTXT download

      The realm of reincarnationlatest chapter:Volume 1: A Drunkenness Beyond the Mortal World Postscript; Su Mengyuan

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