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category Historicauthor XieDeXinstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2322559 Wordslatest update 2024-07-05
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FufenggeBrief introduction:

At the end of the Western Jin Dynasty, the Rebellion of the Eight Kings was about to end, the chaos of the Five Husbands was about to arise, and the darkest era in China's five thousand years of history was about to come.
A young man travels to this era, what kind of magnificent life will he embark on?
It’s far away from home, how can we know whether we will live or die?  I want to play this song, this song is sad and long!
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      Keywords:Fufengge XieDeXin FufenggeRead the full text FufenggeTXT download

      Fufenggelatest chapter:Volume 2: Ling Ling Jian Water Chapter 99: Battle (5)

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