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Rebirth of the Novel Master

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category Romanceauthor LiBaiBuBaistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2387376 Wordslatest update 2024-07-05
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Rebirth of the Novel MasterBrief introduction:

A novel USB flash drive with a capacity of 300G was implanted in his brain, and he was reborn in a plane parallel to the earth. With the mentality of spreading culture and entertaining the public, he used his pen as a sword to stir up the world.
【The flying snow shoots the white deer in the sky, and the laughing book magician leans on the blue mandarin duck.  】 "He is the real one in the martial arts world. We have no choice but to go to Fusang Kingdom."
【Xiao Li's flying knife made a loud sound, and Chu Liuxiang was seen again in the world.  ] "The martial artist is not dead, he just needs to change his posture."
"Harry Potter" swept the world, and he was called the "Magic Dad"; "No Survival", "White Night Walk" and "The Da Vinci Code" turned out, and he was the well-deserved "King of Reasoning".
When all the media were speculating that he would stop writing in Glory, he wrote the words "The Old Man and the Sea" on the manuscript paper...
"Wherever there are people, there are his novels. It is unimaginable how desolate the literary world would be without him." ——Berno Prize Award Speech

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