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Hongmeng Holy King

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category Fantasyauthor YunLeiTianYustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3694448 Wordslatest update 2024-07-05
total hits 18Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Hongmeng Holy KingBrief introduction:

Time, the order of the universe.  Space, the rules of the universe, mastering time and space is equivalent to mastering the universe.  Yun Tianyu, a young man with a complicated life experience, when he was on the verge of life and death, he inadvertently allowed himself to possess the power of time and space, possess ten levels of space, suppress a demon king, and master all kinds of heaven-defying means.  Fly!  Is there any fast teleportation?  Attack!  Can you speed up?   time!  Can you be still?  If the way of heaven is unfair and the way of humanity is not there, why not let me burn the sky with my body and destroy the way with my soul. Even if my body is broken into pieces, I will not regret it!  ---Yuntian Yuyu.

      Keywords:Hongmeng Holy King YunLeiTianYu Hongmeng Holy KingRead the full text Hongmeng Holy KingTXT download

      Hongmeng Holy Kinglatest chapter:Chapter 737 Fate (2)

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