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reborn as a god

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category Romanceauthor BiXiaChengFengstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1311627 Wordslatest update 2024-07-04
total hits 12Month hits 0Week hits 0
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reborn as a godBrief introduction:

After death, you are reborn, become a quasi-god, possess a godhead, and gain the foundation to become a god. The only thing missing is faith.
Spread faith, establish an underground church, and unify the world.
“Robbing followers of a certain religion is considered evil.
Zhang Xiaojian asked: "Do you have any miracles? No? I do!"
"Can you let the priest cast magical spells? No? I can!"
Note: The protagonist’s personality is not that of the previous chapters.
The first ten chapters were written a bit hastily, so the plot was not polished too much and looked a bit childish.  It returns to normal after ten chapters, and the second volume is the beginning of the church's spread of faith.
PS: I don’t know how to write an introduction, so I’ll make do with it. Please bookmark and recommend it.  .  Newbie please support!  !  Support is motivation!

      Keywords:reborn as a god BiXiaChengFeng reborn as a godRead the full text reborn as a godTXT download

      reborn as a godlatest chapter:Chapter 56 The universe is all chess and the truth finale

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