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Young Master Han Yujun

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category Romanceauthor qualityCaoXistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1877450 Wordslatest update 2024-07-04
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Young Master Han YujunBrief introduction:

? A little warmth, a touch of touching and off-line comedy
Gathering his sunshine, delicacy, gentleness and dominance
?Perhaps mixed with some anger for beauty
? Completely revolves around nine girls with very different personalities in their teenage years, telling a stress-free and relaxing story
As an extraordinary man, he always has such a commitment and that kind of responsibility
So although it is inevitable to be sentimental, we will not be sentimental if we are not determined
"Wish? Dream? I haven't thought about it. I just want to simply accompany you until the end. That's enough."

      Keywords:Young Master Han Yujun qualityCaoXi Young Master Han YujunRead the full text Young Master Han YujunTXT download

      Young Master Han Yujunlatest chapter:Volume 3 Chapter 15 The Heaviness of Love

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