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Gundam Sniper Legend

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category Sundriesauthor startgazerstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1162821 Wordslatest update 2024-07-04
total hits 14Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Gundam Sniper LegendBrief introduction:

"It is difficult for people to understand each other. Even if they understand each other, they will not recognize each other. This is the source of disputes."
But is that all there is to it...
"Such a world! I'm not satisfied yet! Those who passed away must have left with regrets..."
Life is long and hope is everlasting.
“We must believe in ourselves, believe in mankind, and believe that the bright day will eventually come when people can eradicate disputes and understand each other.”

      Keywords:Gundam Sniper Legend startgazer Gundam Sniper LegendRead the full text Gundam Sniper LegendTXT download

      Gundam Sniper Legendlatest chapter:E-01 Tears of the Moon Postscript—Ocean of Stars

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