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Ultimate Sword Immortal

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category Comicsauthor TianCaoYustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 181107 Wordslatest update 2024-07-03
total hits 11Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Ultimate Sword ImmortalBrief introduction:

Traveling back in time to your own novel, becoming a good-for-nothing scholar and the son-in-law of a famous lady?
Or the one who won’t consummate the marriage?  !
Well, I can only cheat...
The new combat mode, you can release the nirvana to save enough aura, the super killing after the explosive qi will explode your senses!
"When I gather my ultimate move, God will kill it for you!"

      Keywords:Ultimate Sword Immortal TianCaoYu Ultimate Sword ImmortalRead the full text Ultimate Sword ImmortalTXT download

      Ultimate Sword Immortallatest chapter:Work related Chapter 051 [True Explanation of Kendo]

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