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Mecha Infantry

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category Sci-fiauthor YunYistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 7122787 Wordslatest update 2024-07-03
total hits 15Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Mecha InfantryBrief introduction:

An ordinary mecha infantry member of the fallen Nationalist Army,
During a battle on an alien planet, a mysterious necklace was activated by coincidence.
Since then, he has gained power that far exceeds that of others!
Driving a mecha is invincible.
However, how can one person resist the overwhelming government forces?
So, our protagonist, with the ten-year-old Loli princess, took the empire’s last restoration funds and ran away...
Group one: 120722850 (full) Group two: 191131865

      Keywords:Mecha Infantry YunYi Mecha InfantryRead the full text Mecha InfantryTXT download

      Mecha Infantrylatest chapter:Volume 9 [The Symphony of the Galaxy] Postscript

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