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poison doctor

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category Romanceauthor ZiDouErstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 529269 Wordslatest update 2024-07-03
total hits 14Month hits 3Week hits 1
Total referrals 0Month referrals 0Week referrals 0

poison doctorBrief introduction:

The young man walked out of the mysterious valley with a five-color wooden box. From then on, the world no longer had three views...
They are all highly intelligent among goddesses, holy, strong, weak, voiceless, scheming, cunning, and scheming. Moreover, they are also good at kung fu!
Use poison to treat beauty, touch can cure disease!  Well, this is a very-love book!

      Keywords:poison doctor ZiDouEr poison doctorRead the full text poison doctorTXT download

      poison doctorlatest chapter:Volume Three: The Romantic King Chapter 163: The Imperial Physician

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