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Champion Throne

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category Comicsauthor MoDeLiangJiastatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 283444 Wordslatest update 2024-07-03
total hits 8Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Champion ThroneBrief introduction:

China may not be able to produce the world's top players for the time being due to physical reasons, but when Song Shiwan, as head coach, forced Florentino, Ferguson, Moggi, Galliani and other football giants into a situation of no retreat,  At that time, these old foxes in football came to their senses: "They have been playing with their IQs since thousands of years ago. If you fight with them, aren't you asking for trouble?"

That winter, when someone asked: "Song Shiwan, what are you doing?"
The moment Song Shiwan turned around, he looked at the sky with a smile and replied: "Soaring into the sky!"

      Keywords:Champion Throne MoDeLiangJia Champion ThroneRead the full text Champion ThroneTXT download

      Champion Thronelatest chapter:Text Chapter 68 The same life, the same fate.

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