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big loss

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category Comicsauthor XingXiongYongYistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1022493 Wordslatest update 2024-07-02
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big lossBrief introduction:

The little princess in the air collided with the dull Diokuz, and the branch in the little princess's hand shot out like a sharp arrow hitting the high chrysanthemum in front of her!
A tearful scream came from Dan Gao's mouth, and then he knelt on the ground with a thud, stuck out his buttocks, foamed at the mouth, and fainted.
The sudden scene made the magician Kuka and the spearman Laki immediately alert. They glanced in all directions and then looked at Dangao who fainted with his butt sticking out, and said solemnly.
"This hidden weapon is really powerful. Someone must be following us. Otherwise, we wouldn't have caught Dan Gao attacking his anus when he was suffering from hemorrhoids these past few days."
"Well, we'd better be careful. Find a place to settle down and make arrangements when Dan Gao wakes up."

      Keywords:big loss XingXiongYongYi big lossRead the full text big lossTXT download

      big losslatest chapter:Text Chapter 325: Ending.

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