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Bad lawlessness

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category Romanceauthor FuQinDeRenstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1395704 Wordslatest update 2024-07-02
total hits 12Month hits 3Week hits 0
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Bad lawlessnessBrief introduction:

Young Wu Tao has been cowardly and cowardly since he was a child.  At the end of the New Year's Day party, he was brutally beaten by his classmates. No one in the class stopped him, and they all responded with indifferent ridicule.
From this day on, Wu Tao understood the truth. Only those who are evil enough can survive in this world!
"You have to remember that the 'Wu' in 'Wu Tao' is not the 'Wu' in 'incompetent', but the 'Wu' in 'lawless'!"

      Keywords:Bad lawlessness FuQinDeRen Bad lawlessnessRead the full text Bad lawlessnessTXT download

      Bad lawlessnesslatest chapter:Volume 1 Chapter 307 I want to recover Yu Xiaowei (full text completed)

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