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category Fantasyauthor TianShiAoSiKastatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1205296 Wordslatest update 2024-07-02
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QiyaoBrief introduction:

One hundred and twenty years ago, the Qiyao of Donghua Continent was out of order. The Seven Lords came to the Lushui Lingtai, and the Zhou royal family suddenly collapsed.
One hundred and twenty years later, the celestial image reappeared.  In the 21st century, Xu Le took his brothers into this world where seven princes coexisted.
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????: The invasion of foreign tribes, the melee among the seven princes, the plan to restore the country, the grievances and hatreds... Xu Le flies against the wind in the magnificent picture of Donghua Continent.

      Keywords:Qiyao TianShiAoSiKa QiyaoRead the full text QiyaoTXT download

      Qiyaolatest chapter:Volume 2: The Kingdom of the Marquis of Qin Volume 5: The Shangqing of Qin Chapter 16: Negotiation R

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