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category Historicauthor QingYuShiZistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 8991033 Wordslatest update 2024-07-02
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chaosBrief introduction:

That year, Concubine Yi was unparalleled in her magnificence, Suzhong Hall was in a state of power, Hong Xiuquan was meditating safely, and the Old Summer Palace was covered in red flames.
That year, Hu Linyi worked hard, Zeng Guofan fought hard in hundreds of battles, Zuo Zongtang was a hero and deceived others, and Li Hongzhang gradually became full of wings.
That year, a part-time docent in a small museum experienced the saddest time travel in history. He died and survived, vowing to single-handedly disrupt the palace, subvert the dynasty, and create a new era——
I want to rewrite the spring and autumn today. This is still the case in the world.
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      Keywords:chaos QingYuShiZi chaosRead the full text chaosTXT download

      chaoslatest chapter:Text Chapter 279 The young hero does his duty

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