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category Wuxiaauthor LuBanChe1status serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 825032 Wordslatest update 2024-07-02
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DustBrief introduction:

The world is like a shadow.
Life in this world is like a dream. Every sixty years, the bones and muscles change, and the organs decay. Even if it lasts for several more years, it is like a half-dead person, with no interest in life.
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Those who devote themselves to the monks and nuns at a young age, and how many of them have attained the true fruition of their practice.  Sitting quietly for decades and memorizing thousands of sutras silently until death without realizing it is really misleading people.
During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, young Mo Can used his pair of soul-stirring eyes and strange internal skills to slay demons in the Central Plains and the vassal states of the Qing Dynasty, fight monsters and seize treasures, and find a new path to spiritual cultivation.
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      Keywords:Dust LuBanChe1 DustRead the full text DustTXT download

      Dustlatest chapter:Volume 1: The Essentials of the Absolute Meridian Chapter 191: Passage to the Spirit World

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