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Immortal Path Sword Cultivator

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category Wuxiaauthor JunZiXunShuistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 4699270 Wordslatest update 2024-06-30
total hits 14Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Immortal Path Sword CultivatorBrief introduction:

A young man’s journey of cultivating immortality, he is obsessed with transcending the sword, mastering the five elements, controlling yin and yang, using his own spiritual roots to recreate the heaven and earth, and use the energy of creation to evolve all things!
With the World Pearl in my hand, I own the world!
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      Keywords:Immortal Path Sword Cultivator JunZiXunShui Immortal Path Sword CultivatorRead the full text Immortal Path Sword CultivatorTXT download

      Immortal Path Sword Cultivatorlatest chapter:Volume Five: A Legend Postscript

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