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big idol

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category Romanceauthor QiQiJiadMaoMaostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 4706629 Wordslatest update 2024-06-30
total hits 15Month hits 0Week hits 0
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big idolBrief introduction:

Idols are objects that people love and respect, and objects that are blindly worshiped without criticism. They have the ability to make people believe in and admire them.  When the positive image of an idol reaches a high level and carries a positive meaning, it is enough to have an impact on society.  At this time, idols can also be called role models.  Michael Jackson is such an epoch-making icon.  So, there is such a story.
The introduction is incompetent.
YY version: I want to be the biggest idol in the world.  The answer is: You don’t know what you can do.
YD version: Watch my tiger body shake, and you will become famous; watch my tiger body shake again, and the beauty will become famous.  Answer: Daydreaming.
Qing Palace Edition: Let’s see how I can create my own world with careful calculations in this entertainment circle full of intrigues and unspoken rules.  The answer is: I don’t know whether to live or die.
Simple version: One step at a time, towards success.  Answer: A lot of nonsense.
This is a story about an idol that happened in the entertainment industry. It is for your own entertainment. Watch and have fun. Don’t take it too seriously. Thank you for your cooperation.

      Keywords:big idol QiQiJiadMaoMao big idolRead the full text big idolTXT download

      big idollatest chapter:Volume 6 Facing the sea, spring flowers are blooming. Final words

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