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heaven games

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category Sci-fiauthor BaiTanLangstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 4693537 Wordslatest update 2024-06-30
total hits 13Month hits 0Week hits 0
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heaven gamesBrief introduction:

A person who loses everything can either become a hero of steel or a devil of destruction.
Su Jing, who walks the tightrope between justice and evil, is a man whose soul has been taken away by fate.
In the infinitely wonderful multiverse, he will become the wildest brave and the most gorgeous devil, to find the lost half of his soul and to regain his complete self.
The brilliant and wild adventure story sets sail tonight!  !
?Some people say that if there is a book you long to read but no one has written it yet, then you must write it.  So here I am.

      Keywords:heaven games BaiTanLang heaven gamesRead the full text heaven gamesTXT download

      heaven gameslatest chapter:Prologue: The Awakening Su, Thorns of Thorns, Chapter 927: Finale (Part 2), Talk for the Future

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