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Prehistoric Beast God

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category Fantasyauthor HaiTianChengYanstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 571381 Wordslatest update 2024-06-30
total hits 14Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Prehistoric Beast GodBrief introduction:

The skeletons in the wilderness shook the sky and woke up, and Jiuzhou was shocked for a while; the most ferocious place, Tian Tomb Mountain, how many heroes and giants have been buried, but it could not stop Ye Qianfeng from waking up; Shen Yu Mountain, the place where gods fell,  But it became Ye Qianfeng's back garden; the world was shocked when alien species appeared in the wild, but they all belonged to Ye Qianfeng; the path of a cultivator involves the jungle and the strong, and the path to becoming a god is difficult and difficult. However, while talking and laughing, Ye Qianfeng has become the best in the world in all eternity.  Beast God!

      Keywords:Prehistoric Beast God HaiTianChengYan Prehistoric Beast GodRead the full text Prehistoric Beast GodTXT download

      Prehistoric Beast Godlatest chapter:China Chapter 163 The girl who didn’t warm the bed said

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