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assassin hunter

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category Fantasyauthor LuoShuistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 589398 Wordslatest update 2024-06-30
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assassin hunterBrief introduction:

He is an adventurous treasure hunter,
He is an assassin who travels through the darkness,
He is darkness itself.
The young undercover mysterious assassin organization - the Blood Prison Society, has gone through the test of life and death, fought wits and courage, and gradually reached the peak of power.
There is a magical "inner world" that is anti-life, showing all kinds of incredible "things".
There are hundreds of strange "outer worlds" here, and countless mysterious creatures lurk in the outer realm.
The intertwined forces; countless masters with unique skills; thrilling adventures; bizarre adventures.  This is a unique training journey, watching how the handsome young man gradually reveals the dangerous truth of that world.  This book introduces an unprecedented new concept - anti-life.
Luo Shui, the original author of "White Fox World" and "Zhibei Journey", brings a new book "Assassin Hunter" to fight in the world again

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