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Brutal Frieza

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category Sci-fiauthor DaJiXiestatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 532535 Wordslatest update 2024-06-30
total hits 15Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Brutal FriezaBrief introduction:

"The most ferocious starry sky pirates in history are about to arrive. All intelligent beings please pay attention, squat in the corner with your head in your hands, and prepare to kneel and lick!" The number one pioneer of the pirate group held a loudspeaker in hand and announced to this fertile star field.
The vast universe is nothing but the land of kings.  The people of the universe are unable to stop Frieza's invasion.
King Frieza, who is lingering in the void, are we friends?
(A set of signatures, please collect them.)

      Keywords:Brutal Frieza DaJiXie Brutal FriezaRead the full text Brutal FriezaTXT download

      Brutal Friezalatest chapter:Volume One: The Destruction of Grant Chapter 141: The Third-Level Law, The Sigh of the Void Spirit (

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