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Curious Stories of a Traveling Merchant

Curious Stories of a Traveling Merchant最新章节列表,Curious Stories of a Traveling Merchant全文阅读

category Fantasyauthor AnXiuLanstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 5047841 Wordslatest update 2024-06-30
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Curious Stories of a Traveling MerchantBrief introduction:

You think ghosts can only be sealed away?
Do you think antiques are worth RMB?
Let me take you into a different world of cultivation and experience a different world.
I travel around the world, sealing ghosts and catching monsters. I sell the ghosts to big sects, and I buy and sell spiritual objects and antiques.
I will fight against the Yinsi and kill the dragon.
I am a young man living in the 21st century, but I let you see the unknown side of China.
Follow my footsteps!
Enter the other side of the world you are familiar with!

      Keywords:Curious Stories of a Traveling Merchant AnXiuLan Curious Stories of a Traveling MerchantRead the full text Curious Stories of a Traveling MerchantTXT download

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