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Ape King

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category Fantasyauthor JiYeJingLeistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 461585 Wordslatest update 2024-06-29
total hits 11Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Ape KingBrief introduction:

Yuan Kun, whose Buddhist name is Shi Kong, is a lay disciple of Shaolin, one of the top martial arts in Shaolin, and the world's number one mercenary king.  During the Great Tribulation of China, in order to protect the blood of the sacred beast Qinglong guarded by Shaolin, he drank the blood of the peerless beast - the Vajra Ape King. After his body exploded, his consciousness was wrapped in ape blood, and he was reborn into the sky with countless bloodlines.  Mainland, began the road to the peak of the violent ape king.

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