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Sky Dragon Rider

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category Fantasyauthor HuaBiaostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 6894975 Wordslatest update 2024-07-30
total hits 24Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Sky Dragon RiderBrief introduction:

I am a pilot,
No, I am a dragon knight,
No, I am an aerial knight,
To be precise, I should be a real knight.
No matter whether the night falls or the sun rises, as long as the sky still alternates between the sun and the moon, the dragon knights who protect the empire must be with the sky, and whatever the long sword points to is justice.
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? out of a rare visual writing technique, gorgeous and exciting fierce battles, it feels like watching a classic blockbuster, not to be missed!
The most unscrupulous cousin in history strikes again!
Many book friends, come to the pit!

      Keywords:Sky Dragon Rider HuaBiao Sky Dragon RiderRead the full text Sky Dragon RiderTXT download

      Sky Dragon Riderlatest chapter:Volume 1 Chapter 1605-Behind us is the firmament star

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