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Ghost Hands and Divine Mirror

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category Romanceauthor NaShanDaShustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 502902 Wordslatest update 2024-06-29
total hits 12Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Ghost Hands and Divine MirrorBrief introduction:

??Ghost Hands: A master who specializes in high imitations of celebrity calligraphy and paintings and other antiques.
It is said that there will be a ghost hand in every generation of the Dong family?  Who will this generation be?
When you were young, you were playing with mud, while he was memorizing secret books and learning Wing Chun.
When you were a teenager, you were playing games, and he was learning to copy and appraise.
When you grow up, you are playing with women, while he is hunting for antiques and selling calligraphy and paintings.
Later, you were collecting, while he was gambling on stones and savoring life.
He is Dong Tianyue, a new generation of ghost hands with clairvoyance!

      Keywords:Ghost Hands and Divine Mirror NaShanDaShu Ghost Hands and Divine MirrorRead the full text Ghost Hands and Divine MirrorTXT download

      Ghost Hands and Divine Mirrorlatest chapter:Volume 1: The Ghost Hand Family Chapter 106: Crazy

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