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absolute force

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category Romanceauthor PingFanYingXiongstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 279206 Wordslatest update 2024-06-29
total hits 12Month hits 1Week hits 0
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absolute forceBrief introduction:

??Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, where the king lives!
Taekwondo, karate, boxing... are gradually becoming more and more popular. Where will Chinese Kung Fu go from here?  Was it replaced?  Still in decline?  Or even erased?  It is rumored that Chinese Kung Fu is the originator of world Kung Fu, but have those foreigners ever believed this?  The essence of Chinese martial arts for thousands of years and hundreds of generations will be gone forever and will disappear from the world.
A young man who came out of a Kung Fu family came to the prosperous city with a mission, only to find that the pretty girl in pink and various forces appeared around him like moths to a flame.
Without the necessary skills to pick up girls, Ye Luo often encounters difficulties from all kinds of beauties and all kinds of brats.
He acts in a low-key manner, but inadvertently reveals his dazzling edge...

      Keywords:absolute force PingFanYingXiong absolute forceRead the full text absolute forceTXT download

      absolute forcelatest chapter:Volume 1: If we only meet for the first time in life, Chapter 65: Prepare to build a martial arts gy

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