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Survival of the Water Margin

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category Historicauthor TaLaiZiJiangHustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 4953585 Wordslatest update 2024-06-29
total hits 11Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Survival of the Water MarginBrief introduction:

Where are all my confidants!  ?
This is the last cry of Wang Lun, the founder of Liangshanbo, before he died in the original trajectory.
However, due to a thunderstorm, history deviated from the established main line.
The turbulent situation of the Song Dynasty, the collapse of the ethical code, the coveted evil neighbor Jurchen, the domineering strongman bullying the master, internal and external troubles, whether to survive or perish, the time left for Wang Lun, the scholar in white, is running out.
Let's look at the road of survival of the water Margin, who is a small director of a modern state -owned enterprise through the Song Dynasty and attached to the famous unlucky ghost Wang Lun.

      Keywords:Survival of the Water Margin TaLaiZiJiangHu Survival of the Water MarginRead the full text Survival of the Water MarginTXT download

      Survival of the Water Marginlatest chapter:Volume One: Heroes of the World Gather at the Water Pond Chapter 907: Being low-key doesn’t mean bei

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