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Forgotten Realms Mithril Throne

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category Sci-fiauthor MoFaFeiDanstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 4210123 Wordslatest update 2024-06-29
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Forgotten Realms Mithril ThroneBrief introduction:

Passing through the beautiful dragon coast, wandering around the dangerous and busy port city of Ximen, and going in and out of the pirate islands where gangs of thieves are rampant - killing gargoyles with the sword, stabbing the spirit thieves with the sword, Fang Yi's footprints have already been all over the world.  The Sea of ??Stars has become a legend of thieves sung by bards.
But whenever I think back alone on the struggle with tears and laughter, and the thrilling adventure life, where is the true love in my heart?
Horrible monsters you can’t imagine, dazzling legendary equipment, and of course a passionate adventure with a group of bad friends, please follow me into the magical world of Faer?n!
(This article will not contain the various artifact YY routines at the beginning, and it is a novel with pseudo-DND rules. Team running enthusiasts and defenders of DND rules, please be kind)

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