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big strong man

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category Fantasyauthor MieShiDaShestatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2332920 Wordslatest update 2024-06-29
total hits 14Month hits 0Week hits 0
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big strong manBrief introduction:

There are thousands of floating continents, and there are countless people with strong fighting spirit!
The wonderful alloy ball made the fourteen-year-old boy Tang Yi no longer ordinary.
The mysterious skills inherited from the Tianwai ethnic group allowed Tang Yi to eat more and at the same time, his strength also continued to improve by leaps and bounds. Those strong people needed to practice hard to achieve the state. Tang Yi only needed to eat a lot to catch up, and  Beyond!
“Evil geniuses with sects and family backgrounds that have been passed down for thousands or ten thousand years have become Tang Yi’s stepping stones to travel around the world one by one.
What spiritual valley, spirit grass, spirit ore, star nuclear, mainland ... all eat in Tang Yi's eyes.
In this big world of Thunderbolt, if you want to become the top fighting wheel expert, you must have the ability to devour the world!

      Keywords:big strong man MieShiDaShe big strong manRead the full text big strong manTXT download

      big strong manlatest chapter:The Rise of Heaven Chapter 518: Who is advancing (Part 2)

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