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myth invasion

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category Sci-fiauthor MoYustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 4034184 Wordslatest update 2024-07-30
total hits 15Month hits 1Week hits 0
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myth invasionBrief introduction:

With the development of science and technology, human life is changing with each passing day.  Various technologies are emerging in endlessly, and crime has become more and more terrifying due to the development of technology.
The rigidity and formalization of governments in various countries has also led to frequent increases in crime rates around the world.
So, superheroes with personal heroism appeared.
The goddess of the East, the Knights of the Round Table of Great Britain, the mechanical warriors of France, the Iron Man, Spider-Man, Superman, etc. of the United States have become household superheroes.
In the Eastern Kingdom, a young man who longed to become a superhero suddenly received memories of a civilization from another universe.
So, an invincible superhero was born in the world.

      Keywords:myth invasion MoYu myth invasionRead the full text myth invasionTXT download

      myth invasionlatest chapter:Text 327. Chasing the murderer

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